Price PP: | $300 |
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Price: | $425 |
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What do you see on a Phoenix helicopter tour?
With multiple tour packages to choose from, just about everything! Depending on which Phoenix helicopter ride you choose, you’ll see Paradise Valley, the McDowell Mountains, Fountain Hills, famous Camelback and Superstition Mountains, the desert lakes, and more.
Can you go to the Grand Canyon from Phoenix on a helicopter tour?
Though the Grand Canyon IS in Arizona, it’s just a bit too far for a Phoenix helicopter tour to reach. But while you may not be able to head directly to the Grand Canyon by helicopter, you absolutely can by plane or coach bus! Check out our Phoenix to Grand Canyon plane and bus tours for more information. Several even include helicopter rides right at the Canyon!
How long are helicopter tours in Phoenix?
Phoenix offers several options in terms of duration for your helicopter ride. Depending on what you’d like to see and how much time you have to spend, tours last anywhere between 15 and 40 minutes.