Price PP: | $100 |
Lowest Price Guarantee |
Price: | $91.36 |
Lowest Price Guarantee |
Price: | $84 |
Lowest Price Guarantee |
Price PP: | $82 |
Lowest Price Guarantee |
What should you wear for a Moab skydive?
No special clothing is required for your Moab skydive! You can dress for the weather of the day of your jump, keeping in mind that the temperature does drop 1-2 degrees for every thousand feet in the air and that the wind will be rushing during your jump. We do recommend that you wear closed toe shoes that can be secured to your foot, such as a tennis or athletic shoe. Sandals are prohibited.
How old do you have to be go skydiving in Moab?
Per mandate by the federal government and USPA, all Moab skydivers must be aged 18 years or older. We’re sorry but no exceptions or parental consent allowances can be made.
How long does a Moab skydive last?
Overall, from when you jump to when you land, a Moab skydive takes 6 to 7 minutes but the time that’s really important in skydiving is your freefall time. Moab skydives are from 14,000 ft which gives you an awesome 60 seconds of freefall! Keep in mind, though, you could be at the drop zone several hours for your entire skydiving experience.