Nestled between the striking urban oasis that is Los Angeles and the iconic SoCal city of San Diego lies Temecula, joining together elements of both areas for a truly gorgeous vista. From the basket of a Temecula hot air balloon, you’ll have a panoramic view of every bit of this stunning scene.
Price: | $379 |
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Price: | $369 |
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Price: | $399 |
Lowest Price Guarantee |
Price: | $329 |
Lowest Price Guarantee |
Price: | $379 |
Lowest Price Guarantee |
Price: | $329 |
Lowest Price Guarantee |
From mountains to rivers to vineyards, this Los Angeles area balloon flight captures it all. There’s nothing quite like hot air ballooning to experience the beauty of nature. For a full hour, you’ll drift along the Californian winds, basking in the colors of the rising sun.