Price: | $269 |
Lowest Price Guarantee |
Price PP: | $139 |
Lowest Price Guarantee |
Price PP: | $253 |
Lowest Price Guarantee |
Price PP: | $252 |
Lowest Price Guarantee |
Price PP: | $257 |
Lowest Price Guarantee |
What can you expect on an Atlantic City helicopter tour?
Epic views of the of city and shore, of course! But also, thanks to its departure point in the Philadelphia area, Atlantic City tour packages also include an extensive exploration of the central New Jersey countryside as your journey to and from the city.
How long is an Atlantic City helicopter tour?
Because of its departure point, this tour is an epic 70 minutes in duration, allowing you plenty of time to enjoy the scenery and sensation of flight.
How much is a helicopter tour of Atlantic City?
Pricing is based upon duration and operational factors. Because this flight departs from the Philadelphia area and provides a comprehensive tour of central New Jersey in addition to Atlantic City, the cost is higher than shorter tours at $365 per passenger.